Friday, May 30, 2014

5 Things we Learned on our First Day in Brazil

    Skyler and I have spent the last 24 hours in Brazil, however about 12 of them were traveling.  We have already had a lot of "fun adventures", but we have narrowed down to 5 life lessons we have already learned.

1. Always accept free Brazilian coffee
    It's yummy.

2. Bus terminals are scary
    Keep your eyes on your belongings at all times.  And bring a dollar if you're planning on going to the bathroom.

3. Don't believe the taxi driver
    A 5 minute car ride is not deserving of 50 dollars.

4. Its okay to have chocolate crust on regular pizza
    Especially if it has strawberries in it.

5.  Water pressure and water temperature are an inverse relationship in showers
    That's something we learned last year, but that doesn't mean it's any less hard to master.

    -Chase and Skyler

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Leaving Tomorrow

    Tomorrow Skyler and I are leaving for Brazil.  Our flight leaves at 11:57AM.  We are flying to Chicago, which we will stay at for about 9 hours.  After that, we will begin our 12 hour flight to Florianopolis.  Then, we will most likely take a bus to Rio Do Sul.  We're pretty nervous for the trip, so I've made a list of things you can pray for us about.
Chase Florom (Left), Skyler Nobbe (Right),
and random Brazilian lady (Middle)
take a picture in Random lady's store.

Prayer Requests:

1. Safety

    Although Skyler and I like to think we are brave adventurers fearlessly putting our lives in danger for the sake of Jesus, our families (and my girlfriend) would definitely appreciate it if we made it back safely.  Pray that our travels go well, we're safe while we're in Brazil, that we make it back safely, and that we can make it the whole way without getting sick.

2.Changed Lives

    This is the reason why we're going to Brazil.  We want to make a huge impact on these peoples' lives.  But not only that, we pray that
God will work through us.  Pray that he would change these lives for the better. (No Wicked joke intended)

3.Opportunities to Share the Gospel

    This prayer is closely tied to the last one.  However, as any one who has shared the Gospel might know, it's scary!  Pray for bravery for us.  Not only that, but we're going to be working closely with a lot of people in the Brazilian churches.  Pray that they also have the courage to share God's Word without fear.